Archive for August, 2013
Ladies Member- Guest…
1st place Ginny Bryant and Toni Curry
2nd place Betsy Dripps ans Molly Mattoon
August One-Day Mens Member- Guest…
Judge Sullivan and Joe Forte take first and David Lebreton and Steve Reynolds take 2nd…..
Talk about feeling bad……..
Yesterday, after a tough morning of work, Bill Rohr had enough. Throwing papers to the side and into the lap of his secretary for her to finish, he went off for a round of golf.
Incensed at the extra work passed her way, she proclaimed to her boss, ” I hope you get hit in the head with a golf ball”.
Guess what? 5 stitches.
Happy 90th Birthday Harding !!!!!!!!
Harding Brown with sons Aaron and Robert…..Well Done Harding and thanks for all that you have done for the club over the years! Cheers!